Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Papa John's

Well, being that I am getting to 'My Papa's Waltz' a little after class, and considering how in-depth we discussed it, my only choice was go the route of humor instead:

My Papa John's

The pepperoni on your breath
Could make a grown man dizzy;
Marinara to the death:
Such feasting not always easy.

We jostled until some grease
Dripped all along the floor;
Mother put aside her piece
And got down on all fours.

Oh hand that forged my slice!
Master of dough domain!
Your cheeses do entice;
My taste buds trip insane.

You toss to form your rounds,
With ovens to conceive,
Tarantella of the pounds,
My belly to receive.


  1. I love it!!!! Great job. What talent you have, Mistro.


  2. Thanks. But shouldn't it be Bistro, what with all the food metaphors???
